for University of Padova by ReMedia
P.I.P.P.I. – Programma di Intervento Per la Prevenzione dell’Istituzionalizzazione (programme to prevent institutionalization) provides instruments and working methodologies to prevent children placement out of home.
In the years 2011-2012, the programme is being experimented in the ten Beneficiary Cities (Bari, Bologna, Genoa, Florence, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Torino, Venice), thanks to the commitment and funding of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and to the technical-scientific support of the University of Padua.
In according to the Italian Welfare National Policies on Child Care and Protection, the experimentation is designed as a research-action and its main goal is to prevent children from being separated from their families. In particular, the activities promoted in the framework of the experimentation are aimed at improving parenting skills, at promoting full involvement in children’s school life and at strengthening social networks (environmental and family-related factors). These actions are consistent with the national policies for the fight against poverty based on parenting support, which is provided in collaboration with the social and health care services, schools, the third sector and families.
At present, 91 families are involved in the experimentation. 9% of the families live in poverty, 41% are unemployed or hold precarious jobs, 21% experience problems linked to isolation and exclusion
The basic idea is to work with the vulnerable families and the professionals involved in the care system on the specific issues of parenting, but at the same time also on the framework of parenting, targeting all the internal relational factors, as well as the relational factors external to the family (such as income, working and housing conditions, etc.), which help create the situation of parental neglect.
Illustration and Animation by Elisetta - Elisa Fabris