Nutshell Magazine

for Nutshell Magazine

Nutshell is a brilliant independent literary magazine. It’s small, sturdy, and the perfect space for poetry, short stories, interviews, illustration, art, and photography to meet and work together. Some of the work we publish comes to us unsolicited via email and some other we go looking for and commission from people we follow or find randomly browsing blogs.

Nutshell was born in 2008. Our first issue came out in Spring 2009 and was absolutely brilliant. Getting a kite off the ground for the first time is not as easy as it seems and neither was this.  Issue #1 featured  some excellent short stories, poems and artwork, as well as an interview with Blake Morrison, in which he discussed the literary memoir. The issue was very successful and, as we’ve run out of copies, it is now extremely rare and collectible, although you can have a look at our gorgeous virtual copy here on our website or pop to the British Library and take it out for a spin round the reading rooms.

Editor: Faye Fornasier

Poetry Editors: Paul McGrane and Jack Houston

Cover: Elisetta (Elisa Fabris)

Design: Laura Pison


First proposal

 Illustration by Elisetta Elisa Fabris