iOS app - illustrations & animations
for FOCUS -- "Little Smiling Minds" project by Digital Accademia

Little Smiling Minds is an educational project that aims to develop children's cognitive functions to the utmost, by using games and applying the latest scientific knowledge in the field of education and cognitive psychology.

An idea by Focus, Digital Accademia and Daniela Lucangeli (University of Padua)

Little Smiling Minds

Illustration and Animation by Elisetta (Elisa Fabris)
Music and Sound Design by Vittorio Demarin
Developed by WARE'S ME

The first app created by Little Smiling Minds is called CountOnForest and is available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. With CountOnForest the child discovers the world of numbers in an entertaining way: the amount, the difference between large and small, more and less, etc. The many exercises at varying degrees of difficulty lead the child to discover and consolidate his numerical intelligence. Led by the animals of CountOnForest, little ones face fun little tasks, designed to enhance the basic mechanisms of cognition of quantity. By playing the child learns and develops cognitive functions.
Parents can learn to follow their child's progress: the app has an area dedicated to mom and dad, where they can monitor the game level their child has reached and find tips and insights to better help him. A simple scoring system of stars and fun rewards creates for the child a welcoming and effective learning environment.

video di Giancarlo Merlin